Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Day to day, as the baby grows inside the uterus, things happen pretty slowly. For example, "Week 3: your baby is now the size of a lentil." "Week 4: your baby is now the size ever-so-slightly LARGER lentil. Congrats, Dad."

What will make this all seem real is when we start announcing the news to friends and family. Especially friends. I can just hear D and M now: "You're going to be someone's FATHER, man! That's crazy! Hey, want a shot?!?" You bet I do.

I think a lot of men wrestle with the following notion: once the baby is born and I am officially a father, will I still be "cool?" The answer, of course, is "no." But in my case, there is a saving grace. I was NEVER cool. It's not like I have far to fall. After all, I like jazz and Bach and aikido and reading and not being a giant asshole. So it's not like I'm Fonzie over here. As my wife says, "You're ALREADY Richie." Thanks, babe.

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